Merchan St. Lucena City, Philippines www.shc.edu.ph

E. Angeles St. Naga City, Philippines Telephone Nos. +63-544799954 +63-544738417 www.usi.edu.ph

2772 Roxas Blvd. Pasay City, Philippines Tel No.: 551-2763 www.sjdefi.edu.ph

Merchan St. Lucena City, Philippines www.shc.edu.ph
DC Schools Web Links
“The sight of the great number of poor in the St. Denis district leads me to desire to take charge of their instruction. Should these poor little girls remain steeped in ignorance, it is to be feared that this same ignorance will be harmful to them and render them incapable of cooperating with the grace of God for their salvation.”
(SLM: SW, L. 41)
The mission of serving and transforming necessitates openness to growth, change and revision. To realize this in their ministry of education, the Daughters of Charity in the Philippines have continually worked to be truly responsive to the needs of the young, the calls of the time, the challenge of the Little Company: “Renew…our educational approaches” ( IAD 2009–1015).
In a spirit of collaboration and sharing, all 20 member schools of the Daughters of Charity ¾ St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC–SLMES) live by one vision–mission and core value statements. They synchronize development plans to implement common flagship programs that specify the priority thrusts of DC education which include enhancing the Vincentian formation of all sectors in the institution.
Impelled by creative fidelity to the Vincentian charism and in view of revision of works in the education ministry, the DC educators, together with their lay mission partners, have adopted some new governance structures and approaches:
Supervised Schools... Integration of two DC Schools
Clustering of DC Schools...Innovative Alternative
Learning Systems
Alternative Secondary/Tertiary Education programs for
disadvantaged youth and working adults…
Industry-Academe Partnership and Twinning of DC Schools
Vincentian Management Team...Servant Leadership Team
Together with the intensification of Vincentian Formation in the schools is a growing appreciation for more regular and organized outreach services for persons who are poor, oftentimes community-based. Their effects have been life-transforming for many.