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We the Daughters of Charity
of the province of St. Louise de Marillac - Asia,
envision ourselves as a community of women given to God,
living out our passion for Christ and
for persons who are poor in the Vincentian spirit of Humility, Simplicity and Charity, towards the realization of the
Reign of God.
We commit ourselves
to constantly seek persons
who are poor
and create communities of faith
where gift are shared and
decisions are discerned together,
and to fearlessly witness,
by a Christ-filled life like Mary
and our Founders St. Louise de Marillac
and St. Vincent de Paul,
to the values of justice and charity,
truth and freedom, joy and peace.
A Revitalized Vincentian charism
in local communities
where God is experienced and
where the economy of gifts is a way of
life in response to
the challenges of emerging realities
and the calls of the Church.
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