The DC Health Care Ministry Today
“I recommend the service of the sick to the Sisters and I beg them to care for them.” (SLM: SW, L. 41)
From the origins of the Company of the Daughters of Charity, serving the sick poor has been at the heart of their mission.The Founders taught the first Sisters that this service was God's design in establishing the Company:
“to serve the sick poor corporally, by supplying them with
all they need, and spiritually, by seeing that they live
and die in a good state”.
(SVP: Conference 3, Coste IX)
Today, the DCs continue this original mission through their presence in these health care institutions:
San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation, Inc. (Hospital–Pasay City)
Mother Seton Hospital (Naga City)
St. Anthony College Hospital (Roxas City)
Rekindling the fire of charity in the service of the sick is a Vincentian legacy that the DCs seek to achieve in these institutions through:
… formulation of their vision-mission and its active dissemination to all sectors of the institution
… strategic planning of the different flagship programs of the DC health care institutions with focus on more innovative and Christ-centered health care services
… intensified pastoral care programs
… ongoing formation sessions and Vincentian formation of lay partners
… community extension services in deprived areas in line with priorities set by the DC Philippine Province
… increased accessibility of hospital services to the poorest; expansion and updating of service wards
… modernization of hospital equipments and constant updating of personnel
… training of DCs for health care
… accreditation of hospital operations